Monday 9 May 2016

LO3: Comparison

I will be comparing my magazine with another magazine which is the same genre as mine and that is aiming at the same target audience as me. I will also be giving feedback on what I think I could've done in order to make the magazine looks as professional as possible.

As you can see when comparing the Lanez magazine to the Athletics magazine you can see the similarities that I have managed to capture within my Lanez magazine. The first similarity that I have managed to recreate for my magazine cover, this is denoted through the title Lanez, I split up the letters of the title through the middle to connote the idea of a track in order to portray the idea of athletics to the target aduience.

Another similarity you can denote on both these magazines is the fact that we have focused on centering the model in order to gain full attention to them straight away, as an affect to almost draw them in so the target audiences eyes are on them as soon as they look at the magazine. We've also incorperted a track within the background of both our covers in order to further connote to the theme of the magazine being track magazine to the target audience.

Looking at the differences out the two magazine covers I have come to notice quite a few things. The first difference I noticed was the fact that I stuck to one font type in order to keep everything simple on my magazine design, where as Athletics magazine cover three different types of font, which makes their magazine cover look slightly more diverse in terms of fonts. Another thing I have noticed was that my magazine cover incorperated more than one digitl graphic within the front cover, which made the look of my cover more interesting than the Athletics magazine cover.

A difference I can see now that I did not include on my final magazine design was discussing different topics such as on the Athletics magazine where it says '38 shoes on test', this would give the magazine more diversity making it look more porofessional in terms of the information and features it would contain on the font cover.
Looking back at the final product I have made for my magazine cover I have come to the conclusion that the only thing I would change is the development of including topics such as information on purchasing athletics products in order to give my magazine more diversity for my target audience. However I think I have done quite a good job on my magazine cover in comparriosn to my inspiration for my magazine idea.

  For this section I will be comparing the two double page spreads to eachother, in order to explain what I have done and what I could've done better.

In terms of the similarities that I have noticed between the two double page spreads, I have noticed that both the articles have incorperated a slogan in order to slightly inform the audience on what this article is about, this also creates spectacle within the article. Another thing I have noticed is that both these articles rougly got the same spacing between each coloum, but after that there are no other similarities between the two articles.

Looking at the differences from the Sports Illustrated magazine in comparison to my Lanez magazine double page spread the first thing I have come to notice is that I have chosen to incorperate an image of my model running with a transition from start to finish on the path. I incorperated the idea photographic feature of leading lines in order to make the target audience follow him from start to finish whilst they see him running. Sports Illustated have chosen to incorperate significant public figures such as the American dream team in order to draw in the attention of their target audience.

I have also noticed that with my double page spread I have chose to make it all look as if it was just one huge page, however the Sports Illustated have seperated the pages by incorperating a different colour scheme on each page in order to keep the digital graphic and article seperate.

The final thing that I noticed that was different about our articles was the fact that I had chosen to warp my text around the grass, I did this because I did not want to cover or comprimise the main digital graphic that I am using in order to attract the attention of the target audience. I believe that  it makes my double page spread look more attractive than the Sports Illustated double page spread, which has quite a basic lookm to it in terms of how the text is presented.

 The contents page for Lanez has similarities to the Sports Illustrated contents page through the arrangement of how text is presented on the right hand side of the page, this gives the contents page a neat look, by not having it cover the digitl graphic on the page. Sports Illustated have done the same as me on this which is quite a neat method of arranging text.

Another similarity is that fact that we have both chosen to develop an enlarged version of our chosen model to the left hand side of the page which is also designed in order to attract the attention of the target audience.

Looking at the differences I can list a few. The first thing I have noticed about the differences between the contents pages was the fact that on the Sports Illustraded contents page the title 'Contents' is seperated into 'Con' 'Ten' 'Ts' layered one above the other, this in my opinion isn't such a good look and could confuse the target audience at first glance, where as mine is titled 'LANEZ Contents' which is simle for people to read and understand.

I have also noticed that I have made sure that my main digital graphic and stories on the contents page are seprated as much as I can, where as the Sports Illustated page tends to cover and blend into the digital graphic. Overall I beleive for the contents page, I have developed a better looking contents page than Sports Illustated, due to hwo clear my stories are and how clear my colour scheme is to read.

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