Monday 9 May 2016

LO3: Final House Style Designs

Final Masthead

When I created my final masthead design I chose to keep with the connotation of the track by dividing the letters through the middle of each letter in order to keep relate to the genre of magazine I am producing for my final design. Also I chose to incorperate small different coloured race lines in order to connote to the word of lanes by making it look as if lanes are within the masthead of LANEZ.

Colour Scheme

For the final colour scheme I was thinking about using crimson red, white and black for the final design due to the fact that I believe these colours really stand out as competative and agressive colours which help connote to my genre of magazine which is an athletics magazine. The reason why these colours connote to the theme of athletics is due to the fact that athletics is quite an competative and agressive sport which forces you to push your limits in order to achieve medals. However I chose the colour white in order to connote to the white guidelines on the track.

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