Monday 9 May 2016

LO4: Edited Graphics And Photos

This is the method I underwent to get rid of the discolouration within my models skin. The first thing I have had to do is create a new layer, which is shown on the tool bar below as the paper icon next to the bin icon.

   Then I opened the search tool within the layers section and selected colour.

From this point on you use the drip tool to select the desired colour you want and then all you have to do is paint in the discoloured areas with the desired colour you want.

As you can see there are the steps I have taken when designing my magazine cover, taking inspiration from other magazines in order to get a more professional look to my magazine.

From this point I began to incorporate my own text, this is because I knew that I needed to find a correct font colour that went well with the main digital graphic. From this point I made sure could clear up the image too to get rid of the discolouration within my models arms. This was a long process with changing the colour types but i managed to do with barely. 

This next step is basically how I came to edit my contents page. I wanted to include an opaque image within the background of my contents page, to fill in more of the white space. to do this I had to open image, adjustments and select black and white. from this point I clicked on the layer twice and lowered the opacity levels.

After I did this I just readjusted the image and set it to fit over the contents page properly. 

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