Tuesday 26 April 2016

LO1 InDesign introduction

Key Terms
Desktop Publishing Programme (DDP)- Used for publishing products

Contents Page Conventions 
Always says Content' at the top.
Always has a masthead.
Masthead reenforces the brand of the magazine.
Subheadings to discuss topics of interest.
Features discuss the main articles in the magazine.
Cover story creates synergy for readers.
News is a common subheading.
Subheadings are generally bold and big, so its easier to go to the desired section of the magazine.
Page number will always be on the contents page.
Page number are always going up in ascending number.
The page number in which the contents page is will always in the bottom left corner of the page.
Images that are anchored with text.
Editors section is a litter introduction.
The colours will match the house style of the magazine to reenforce the magazine.
Dialoge Box A box that appears that gives you options and extra functions.
Gutter The space in-between the columns
White Space is empty space with nothing in it.

The importance of doing this experiment before we make our document in InDesign is to get ourselves familiar with the documents custom layout features, in order to help for future purposes.
It is also important because it help us understand what these features do and how to use them.

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