Thursday 28 April 2016

Wednesday 27 April 2016

LO2: Legal And Ethical


Independent Press Standards Organisation. This is an organisation that regulate news papers and magazines. They use the editors code of practice and the editors code of private covers things such as: 'Invasion of privacy, Intrusion into grief or sock and harassment'.

In order to obey this law I will ensure that I only publish things given the consent of my interviewee so I don't break this law. I will also make sure that I sent the interviewee a copy of the questions I am developing in order to gain early feedback on if they're comfortable with answering my questions. The final thing I will do to obey this organisations rules is to make sure none of my questions are an invasion of privacy.

Obscene Publications Act

Obscene publication act is an act put in place in order to prevent the use of obscene material such as nudity, violence, alcohol and explicit language, that day deprave and corrupt the readers. It is illegal to publish content that could have an influence on the readers. in order to follow this law I will make sure I keep all my pictures within the legal requirements. I will also try and include no scenes that could connote nudity within my shoot, this would mean no topless images of my athletes. My audience is primarily aimed at people between the ages of 16-25, this means they're highly influenced by the media.

Libel Law

You're not allowed to publish false information, and you're also not allowed to publish any defamatory (harmful) content. I will not be publishing any false information for my magazine, so I will be able to gain good information from my interviewee. I must also not bring up names within the athletic community that can drag an athletes name through the media.


This is the protection law that give the creator protection over their intellectual property. This basically means whatever the company or organisation has created is protected. Also this means in order to use someones content you would need to get permission, for example: logos, informational content to use from organisations, photographs. I will not need to see copyright permission for my pictures, because I will be using all my own images.

Laws Of Contempt 

In terms of any court cases going on, you're not allowed to publish anything that could compromise anything that could influence anything that can sway the court case. In order for me to obey this law I will have to try and not use any information or quotes that could sway the courts in terms of doping in the athletic community. I will need to make sure that I don't refer to court case topics with certain athletes that are undergoing investigation.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

LO1: Flat Plans

LO1: Draft Articles

In Her Lane?

After a long road of injuries, changing coaches and homes for training, we ask Great British 110 meter hurdler Zara Hohn if she is truly settled and ready to represent Great Britain again this athletics season. And if so how is she looking in preparation towards the Great British and English championships or maybe even the Olympics?

Zara Hohn is a multiple Great British champion that is considered one of the countries very best 110 meter hurdlists at age 26. She has dedicated her life to athletics from the age of 10 and officially started competing at a high level from the age of 17 where she took place in her first international in the junior European championships.

I met Zara at the English Institute Of Sport and she went over her training regime with me regarding various foods and supplements she must consume in order to help her body continue working at a high performance level

Zack Cain

Zack Cain is a seventeen year old up and coming sprinter from Bakewell. He is currently training at the English Institute of Sport as a 100 and 200-meter sprinter. This pre-season has been quite a change for Zack being due to changing coaches before the start of the season. 

Currently Zack Cain is being coached under the supervision of Paul Hohn who has coached other previous GB champions such as Zara Hohn, who is the 6 time Great British indoor champion, and a England international representative.

Zack said to me “Ever since I changed groups at the beginning of the pre-season to train with Paul, I’ve had no intentions of turning back.  My work ethic on the track has increased dramatically and I am even more hungry for success.”.

Since the athletics season has started Zack Cain has achieved 4 P.B.s along with two silver medals in the Northern Athletics championships. This is considered one of the biggest sporting events in the country.

 I asked Zack how he felt having won two silver medals in the Northern Athletics championships, and he said, “Nothing in my athletics career so far has really come close to this feeling, its almost serial knowing how far I have come since the pre-season winter training. I am truly blessed that I am part of this sport and I hope to inspire many more people for the generations to come.”

The outdoor seasons is the hardest part of the whole athletics season due to the harsh outdoor conditions and greater distance to travel in comparison to the indoor season. I asked Zack what how he get ready mentally for an outdoor race and how the conditions play a part in his races.

Zack said to me “The outdoor season is both a challenge physically and mentally for most athletes due to the fact that wind is a major factor of getting legal and illegal times for sprinters. The most important thing to do is to try and push as hard as you can through this physical and psychological barrier in order to try and get the best times possible. I usually prepare myself by listening to music trackside or even discussing methods of the race with my coach.”

LO1: Photography ideas

I am interested in creating a front cover that incorporates the athlete yet connotes the style of magazine. I am interesting in creating a portrait shot for the front cover and for the double page spread I will be taking a series of pictures to hopefully incorporate them into one image. As you can see the images below will give you an idea on how I would like my magazine to be presented on the front cover.

LO1 InDesign introduction

Key Terms
Desktop Publishing Programme (DDP)- Used for publishing products

Contents Page Conventions 
Always says Content' at the top.
Always has a masthead.
Masthead reenforces the brand of the magazine.
Subheadings to discuss topics of interest.
Features discuss the main articles in the magazine.
Cover story creates synergy for readers.
News is a common subheading.
Subheadings are generally bold and big, so its easier to go to the desired section of the magazine.
Page number will always be on the contents page.
Page number are always going up in ascending number.
The page number in which the contents page is will always in the bottom left corner of the page.
Images that are anchored with text.
Editors section is a litter introduction.
The colours will match the house style of the magazine to reenforce the magazine.
Dialoge Box A box that appears that gives you options and extra functions.
Gutter The space in-between the columns
White Space is empty space with nothing in it.

The importance of doing this experiment before we make our document in InDesign is to get ourselves familiar with the documents custom layout features, in order to help for future purposes.
It is also important because it help us understand what these features do and how to use them.

LO1: House Style Moodboards (Font, Colour Scheme, Photography, Ideas)

What features do these mastheads have in common?

Out of all of these mastheads I can denote big bold text which stands out on a complimentary colour. The reason in which I believe that they have done this is because it is easy to see and stands out towards their customers, plus the use of big text helps connote their brand.
I also believe that these companies have used these mastheads because straight away as a customer when you see the masthead saying 'Athletics' or 'Spikes' you gain a connotation on what the magazine is about and what their target audience is based around.

Masthead Ideas

Colour Schemes

House Style/ Photography

In terms of the house styles of my magazine, I am interested in using a san-serif son for my magazine in general, this is because it is clearer to read and the reader will be able to differentiate which letter is which along side each other. In terms of my photography I am interested in using one of my GB friends to pose in her athletics ware, this is because it connotes athletics which fits into my ideal genre of magazine.

Front Cover

This is the ideal picture I would like to capture for my front cover, if not I would like a portrait picture.


Within my magazine I will have interviews with multiple athletes, facts on how to improve your starts and different information based on the athletics world.

Double Page Spread

This will be an interview of my friend Zack Cain on his athletics career and how he is feeling about the season.

Monday 25 April 2016

LO1: LANEZ Production Schedules

This is the production scheduel showing the steps of production I will be undergoing in order to design my magazine cover. I have set a plan of what I will be doing for the whole week so I have a clear understanding on what needs what doing.